How Long Does It Take to Become a Social Worker in South Carolina?

Social Worker in chair

There aren’t many careers where your life’s work can make the kind of impact that you can as a social worker. But how long it takes before you can practice in the field depends on where you live. In South Carolina, you’ll need your degree and a license. That means that after four years or so, you could be working as a licensed baccalaureate social worker. But that’s only one option.

Which Path Should I Take?

How soon before you become a practicing social worker will also depend on the path you take. Requirements vary from state to state. Here are the available licenses and qualifications in South Carolina:

  • Licensed Baccalaureate Social Worker—To earn a LBSW license, you need to earn a bachelor’s degree in social work. You must also pass the South Carolina Board of Examiners license exam before you can practice in South Carolina.
  • Licensed Master Social Worker—To earn an LMSW license, you must have a master’s degree, which can take up to two years, or a doctorate, which could take an additional two years. You would then need to pass the master’s level exam.
  • Licensed Independent Social Worker—You can earn a clinical or advanced generalist LISW license with a master’s degree as well as 3000 hours of supervised experience post-degree. This means you’ll need an additional four years of education and experience post-bachelor’s degree.

Which career path is the right one for you? As a Licensed Baccalaureate Social Worker, you can practice general social work with only a bachelor’s degree. This is a great option if you’re ready to gain experience right away. You can find work in such settings as rehabilitation facilities, group homes, and nonprofit organizations. After you’ve spent some time in the industry, you can return to school and earn additional licenses that can help you advance your career.

Advanced Licenses

As a Licensed Master Social Worker, you might work in case management for a child protection agency or a welfare program. You can also work in advocacy or policy reform. But if you want to work in clinical social work, you should consider the Licensed Independent Social Worker license. As a clinical social worker, you can provide counseling to clients who are struggling with mental health problems, relationship issues, children who are going through crises, or families in bereavement. The LISW credential also allows you to set up a private practice in South Carolina. As a private practitioner, you would have more control over your work schedule and environment. While you still must abide by the rules of the profession and your licensing board, you can work independently and be your own boss.

If you want to continue your education, look for an accelerated master’s program that allows you to complete the degree in less time. At Limestone University, we offer a Master of Social Work degree program that can be completed in 12 months if you already have an undergraduate degree in social work from a program or school accredited by the Council on Social Work Education.

Are you ready to make a difference in your community? Contact Limestone University today. We also offer a Bachelor of Social Work degree program that can prepare you for LBSW licensure as well as a graduate program in social work. Click the button to learn more.