Randy Nichols - Headshot
Randy Nichols
Professor of Communication|Program Coordinator of Professional Communication

Upcoming Courses

- Narratives Across Media
- Narratives Across Media
- Digital Communication I
- Digital Communication II
- Fundamentals of Public Speaking
- Fundamentals of Public Speaking
- Honors Public Speaking
- Honors Public Speaking
- Special Topics in Honors

The above list of courses is not an exhaustive list. It only includes courses for the current and imminent terms. For more information visit the Course Schedules page.

  • M.A. IN ENGLISH LITERATURE 2006 Rutgers University, Newark, NJ
  • B.A. PASTORAL MINISTRIES 1982 Southeastern University, Lakeland, FL
Professional Accomplishments
  • 2021 Presidential Excellence Award for Classroom High Impact Practices
  • 2014 Fullerton Foundation Excellence in Teaching Award
  • 2006 TIME Magazine's Person of the Year


  • “The Colonel’s Ghosts: KFC Iconic Versions and Recursions.” Popular Culture Association, June 2021, Virtual National Conference. 
  • “The Archive and The Americans.” Popular Culture Association, April 2019, Washington, D.C. 
  • “Free and Easy: Incorporating Digital Tools for the Classroom Painlessly.” Center for Teaching, Learning, and Innovation Faculty Workshop, November 2019, Limestone College. 
  • “VR as Meta-Medium Workshop: A Collaborative Compositional 3D Project.” Popular Culture Association, April 2018, Indianapolis. 
  • "Remediating the Image for Virtual Reality." Popular Culture Association, April 2017, Seattle. 
  • “New Media Demand New Thinking.” Olde English Consortium, March 2017, Limestone College. (Reprised April 2017 for the Open House Teaching Spotlight at Limestone College.) 
  • Lead author (with Dr. Jos. Walwema.) "Untangling the Web through Digital Aggregation and Curation." Mobile Technologies in the Writing Classroom: Resources for Teachers, Edited by Claire Lutkewitte. NCTE. (2016.)  
  • “Artifacts from the Future: How the Future Shapes the Past.” Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association, April 2016, Seattle. 
  • “The Future is Here: The Tech World of Today’s Students.” Olde English Consortium, March 2016, Limestone College. (Reprised May 2016 for the Guidance Counselors’ Bus Tour at Limestone College.) 
  • “Artifacts from the Future.” Smartphone Museum Exhibit, 2015-2016, Winnie Davis Hall of History, Limestone College. 
  • “Finders, Keepers: Intentionally Engaging the Web through Digital Aggregation and Curation.” Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association, April 2015, New Orleans. (Reprised for Library Week at A.J. Eastwood Library, April 2015, Limestone College, SC.) 
  • “Producing a Museum’s Digital ‘Smart Layer’ as a Site for Teaching Multimodal Composition Theory & Practice.” Conference on College Composition and Communication, March 2015, Tampa. 
  • “Knowing, Doing, Making: Discussion of an Interdisciplinary Method of an Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program” (Panel) Association for Interdisciplinary Studies, October 2014. 
  • “Communications in a Brave New Digital World.” Pecha Kucha Night, Greenville, August 2014. 
  • "Carousel of Progress: The Future Comes to the 1964 World¹s Fair." Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association, April 2014, Chicago.
  • "The Smartphone Museum as Exemplar for Student Digital Literacies." Popular Culture Association / American Culture Association, March 2013, Washington, D.C.
  • "From Chalkboards to Smartphones: Students and Teachers in the Digital Age." (Multimodal Museo-Gallery Exhibit) Limestone University. (2012)
  • "A Rhetorical Approach to Cultural Literacies Across Media." (Dissertation) ProQuest. (2011)
  • "Panel .22: A Wally Wood Meets Dada Investigation." PRE/TEXT 20.1 (2010)
  • "How Does Your Culture Grow? A New Organic Model for Cultural Inquiry." Conference on College Composition and Communication, April 2011, Atlanta, GA.
  • "Innocents Abroad: Cultural Mediacies in the Study Abroad Experience." Conference on College Composition and Communication, March 2010, Louisville, KY.
  • "Rick Rollin': Interrupting the Machinery of the Culture Industry." Carolina Rhetoric Conference, February 2010, North Carolina State University.
  • "Helping Johnny Become Digitally Literate." Pecha Kucha Night ­ Chapter 1, November 2009, Greenville, SC.
  • "Here Be Dragons: Interactive Dark Rides as Compositional Space." Popular Culture Association Conference, April 2009, New Orleans.
  • "Cultural Literacies Across Media." Association of Teachers of Technical Writing Conference, March 2009, San Francisco.
  • "The Wonderful World of Warcraft." Carolina Rhetoric Conference, February 2009, Clemson University.
  • "Pecha Kucha as Compositional Form and Adobe Presenter as Pedagogical Delivery Technology." Multi-Modal Users Group (MMUG), October 2008, Clemson University.
  • "Creating A User-Experience Through an Interpellation Research Instrument¹ for Giving Websites." (Panel) Association of Teachers of Technical Writing Conference, April, 2008, in New Orleans.
  • "Donor Wars: An Empirical Study of User Experiences on University Donor Websites." (Panel) Conference on Information Literacy, October 3-4, 2008, Savannah.
  • "Handling Dissonance in Writing Center Sessions." Southeastern Writing Center Association 2007 Conference, February 2007, Nashville, Tennessee.