Beth Hyatt Appointed As Committee Chair Of National Association Of Social Work Chapter

Beth Hyatt

Limestone University Associate Professor of Social Work Beth Hyatt has been appointed as Government Affairs Committee Chair for the National Association of Social Workers-South Carolina chapter.

Hyatt was selected by the association’s Executive Director to lead the chapter in undertaking the advocacy work of the association. As Chair, Hyatt will identify constituents of key decision makers, inform constituents of current policy issues, educate members on how to undertake direct advocacy, communicate directly with legislators/policy makers, write opinion/position statements to reflect the decisions of the committee, and identify local allied lobbyist/advocacy groups.

“The Limestone University Social Work program is proud to have Professor Hyatt represent us in this very important role,” said Assistant Professor of Social Work and Part-Time Counselor Dr. Aubrey Sejuit. “Through her chair appointment of the Government Affairs Committee, she will be a great representation of Limestone and will continue to be an advocate for all matters and issues within the field of social work.”

Under Hyatt’s supervision, the National Association of Social Workers-South Carolina will also work toward putting together the organization’s annual “Legislative Day,” which is an event where attendees discover the legislative process, learn how to lobby legislators, and are taught about important legislation that affects social workers and the clients they serve. “Legislative Day” is often held in Columbia at the South Carolina State House.

Hyatt is a graduate of Limestone and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Work and is a Master of Social Work graduate of the University of South Carolina.

She currently teaches multiple courses within the Bachelor of Social Work Program at Limestone, and her interests include teaching the social welfare and policy course, along with ethics. A Licensed Independent Social Worker-Clinical Practice, Hyatt also supervises social workers for their clinical practice hours. She is also the co-owner of Tranquil Solutions, LLC, where she offers therapy to children, adolescents, family, and adults.

The National Association of Social Workers-South Carolina is a membership organization of professional social workers that works to enhance the professional growth and development of its members. The association strives to provide advocacy on issues important to the social work profession and serve as experts in several areas of social work interest, including but not limited to child welfare, healthcare, and social policy.