Dr. Alex Richardson To Have Poetry Published In Literary Journals

Dr. Alex Richardson To Have Poetry Published In Literary Journals

Limestone University Chair and Professor of English Dr. Alex Richardson recently had eight of his poems accepted for publication this fall by three literary journals.

Of the eight poems, one was selected by Big Windows Review, while Poesis Literary Magazine selected four, and the other three were tabbed by Teach. Write.

“Quarantine was monotonous, but I used the forced down time to work on poems,” Richardson said. “The past few months, I've been fascinated by the space between sleeping and waking, those bleary morning hours when I like to write. Most mornings I sat on the back porch with my dog and watched the woods go from darkness to light and wrote stuff from dreams or wrote about what was happening around me.

“The dog kept me honest,” he continued. “It's a small, simple thing to sit on a porch, to write poems, to wonder what the dog is thinking, but anything can happen because something is always happening. You just have to hope you notice it.”

Richardson has taught at Limestone for 20 years and was the University’s 2020 recipient for the South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities Excellence In Teaching award.

His collection of poems, Porch Night on Walnut Street, is available for purchase on Plain View Press. He has published poems in over 40 literary magazines, journals, and anthologies. Some of the journals include Rattle, Barrow Street, Free Lunch, The Southeast Review, and POEM.

In 2009, Richardson was awarded a Fulbright Scholar award for which he taught courses in American culture at the University of Madeira in Portugal. He earned his undergraduate and master’s degrees in English at the University of South Carolina, and his doctoral degree in English from the University of Southern Mississippi.