Limestone University Board Of Trustees Approve New Tailgating & Social Event Policy


Following a recent vote by the Limestone University Board of Trustees, approved tailgating activities and certain social events on campus will permit the consumption of alcohol.

The Executive Committee of the Board voted unanimously to adopt the new policy that will permit the consumption of beer and wine under specific parameters at tailgating and social events. Prior to the vote, alcohol was not permitted on campus in any capacity.

Limestone University President Dr. Darrell Parker explained at the meeting that the policy resembles those that have been adopted by other institutions in the area.

“With football moving to campus this fall, it was the ideal time to create a comprehensive, best practices tailgating policy that draws on the experiences at other colleges and universities in our vicinity,” Parker noted. “We expect fans who choose to take advantage of this new policy to enjoy a celebratory environment in advance of the games to do so in a responsible and safe manner. Our goal is to make sure that at our tailgate events, we provide a fun environment for the fans that is also family-friendly. Limestone’s top-priority is the health and safety of our students and the fans who attend our games and events.”

Parker added that the use of alcohol is ultimately a matter of personal decision, and that Limestone will provide strong support to those who make a moral or health decision to abstain. The University continues to explicitly prohibit underage possession and consumption of alcohol.

“College football and tailgating are two great traditions, and we're excited about bringing them together at Limestone this season,” Parker said in regard to moving football to campus after playing the previous eight seasons at Gaffney High School’s stadium. “We look forward to creating a festive environment before Saints games.”

At approved tailgating lots and social events, beer and wine will be permitted only by those who are of legal drinking age, and excessive consumption will not be accepted. Weapons are also prohibited. Prior to the start of the upcoming football season, a complete list of tailgating policies will be available on the University’s website.

With Limestone set to hold its first football game on campus on Saturday, Sept. 24, University officials have announced that the Clary Field lot – with its entrance located off Leadmine Street – has been designated for tailgating that can include the consumption of beer and wine.

Parking at Clary Field is $25 per vehicle per game on a first-come, first-serve basis. Parking passes for Clary Field can be purchased in advance or on-site using a debit or credit card only. All vehicle passengers must also have a game ticket to park at Clary Field. For complete details, visit Parking in all other lots will be $10 per vehicle per game. Advance parking for the home opener against UVA Wise will be available online starting on Monday, Sept. 12.

Along with other parking options that are included in their memberships, Saints Club supporters will also have access to Clary Field for tailgating at no additional charge. Anyone interested in joining the Saints Club can reach Teresa Baker, Director of the Saints Club & Donor Relations, at

Alcohol will not be permitted in any other parking lots, including student tailgating areas.

As part of the new policy, tailgating may begin no earlier than three and a half hours before the start of the event. Individuals may remain in the tailgating area during the game, but consumption of beer and wine must be discontinued at the start of the contest. Tailgating without beer and wine consumption may continue after the game for a period of two hours. For those games scheduled on weekday evenings, the University may find it necessary to modify the permissible tailgating times.

“Tailgating is an opportunity for all members of the Limestone University community to gather prior to designated games in a fun, safe, school-spirited and inclusive environment,” Parker noted. “We encourage our fans and guests to create a positive game-day atmosphere.”

In addition to the new tailgating policy, Limestone will also permit beer and wine at approved social events at specified locations on campus.

“With some of the new and renovated facilities we now have on campus, along with the potential for more new spaces in the future, we want to support Gaffney and Cherokee County by providing much-needed special event locations whenever possible,” Parker explained, adding that the venues could be leased for events that may serve beer and wine with food. “At the same time, this new policy will allow Limestone to better utilize some of its on-campus amenities for our own special events.”

In alcohol permissible areas for tailgating and social events, the beer and wine must be accompanied with the consumption of food.

Limestone University itself will not be serving or selling alcohol at any event. Only the University’s licensed and insured food services contractor, the University’s food service contractor’s licensed and insured designee, or a licensed and insured third party may serve or sell beer or wine at approved University events on campus. At such events, non-alcoholic beverages must be available, along with the mandatory food.

The new policy does not apply to on-campus undergraduate student housing where alcohol will continue to be prohibited.