New Trees Planted At Entrance To Limestone University's Front Campus

New Trees 2021

As part of Limestone University’s current landscape masterplan, students will find dramatic changes to the entrance of the front campus when classes resume on Monday, January 11.

Diseased and damaged trees located at the main entrance in front of Montgomery Hall were recently removed. Those four trees have been replaced, and four additional trees have been planted on the opposite side of the entrance near the A.J. Eastwood Library.

The previously existing willow oaks in front of Montgomery Hall were diseased, according to a certified arborist. One had also been struck by lightning at some point in the past, which caused it to split in half during the removal process. The potential hazard of having any of those trees fall during high winds or heavy rains made the removal necessary.

At the suggestion of Limestone’s landscape masterplan, the eight new Nuttall oaks will be kept at approximately 20 feet tall as they line the main entrance on both sides. The foliage on the canopy trees is bright green that turns an orange-yellow color in the fall.

“Limestone’s main entrance at the end of College Drive is a primary gateway on to our campus that, while already beautiful, has the potential to be one of the most beloved and photographed spots for our students, faculty and staff, alumni, and guests,” said Limestone President Dr. Darrell Parker. “The removal of the diseased trees, and the addition of the new ones, provides a more symmetrical view toward the Curtis Building and the campus core – and it will become more magnificent as the trees mature. Our landscaping masterplan will be bringing additional beautification projects to the campus while retaining our heritage and culture.

“We are fortunate that private donors are stepping forward to invest in the continued beauty of the Limestone campus for the next 175 years,” he added. “Additional front campus aesthetic improvements coming soon include landscape beautification of the median and other focal areas, plus some new signage. It’s exciting to see these projects coming together to further enhance the student experience at Limestone."