EN302 - Shakespeare | 3 |
EN305 - Introduction to the British Novel | 3 |
EN306 - Victorian Literature | 3 |
EN310 - Contemporary Literature of the Non-Western World | 3 |
| 3 |
EN312 - Southern American Literature | 3 |
EN315 - Editing and Publishing | 3 |
EN324 - Literary Criticism | 3 |
EN326 - Advanced Composition, Creative Nonfiction | 3 |
EN327 - Studies in English Language | 3 |
EN329 - Literature for the Adolescent | 3 |
EN331 - Studies in Contemporary Drama | 3 |
EN340 - Topics in Film | 3 |
EN409 - 20th Century African American Literature | 3 |
EN416 - Studies in Modern Poetry | 3 |
EN418 - Studies in Modern Fiction | 3 |
EN430 - Methods of Teaching Language Arts in the Secondary School | 3 |
EN452 - Clinical Practice | 12 |
EN490 - English Internship | 3 |
EN495 - Senior Project | 3 |
| 3 |
FI214 - Financial Literacy | 3 |
FI306 - Sport Finance and Economics | 3 |
FI307 - Money and Banking | 3 |
FI312 - Business Finance | 3 |
FI333 - Intermediate Financial Management | 3 |
FI334 - Investments | 3 |
FI335 - Investment Fund Management | 3 |
FI340 - International Finance | 3 |
FI400 - Financial Policy | 3 |
FI435 - Portfolio Management | 1 |
FI490 - Finance Internship | 3 or 6 |
FI600 - Corporate Financial Management | 3 |
FR101 - Elementary French I | 3 |
FR102 - Elementary French II | 3 |
FR201 - Intermediate French I | 3 |
FR202 - Intermediate French II | 3 |
GE211 - Economic Geography | 3 |
HC/HS606 - Epidemiology and Public Health | 3 |
HC201 - Health Care Delivery in the United States | 3 |
HC210 - Ethics and Professionalism in Health Care | 3 |
HC215 - Global Health | 3 |
HC301 - Health Care Finance | 3 |
HC304 - Health Care Economics | 3 |
HC306 - Epidemiology and Public Health | 3 |
HC310 - Health Care Information Systems | 3 |
HC311 - Health Care Policy and Politics | 3 |
HC315 - Health Care Law | 3 |
HC410 - Health Care Quality Management and Outcome Analysis | 3 |
HC452 - Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations | 3 |