Welcome to the Limestone University Business Office!

We are SO glad you are here! The business office houses student accounts and accounting. We help students understand their bill, make payments and payment plans (including third party payments like tuition assistance, tuition reimbursement, etc.), and obtain book vouchers and 1098T tax forms when eligible. We also process refunds when necessary. 

There is information on this page to help you navigate business office responsibilities. Please review as needed and contact us with any additional questions. 

Business Office Keys to Success

  1. The primary means of official communication is via Limestone email. You are responsible for checking it frequently and taking any required action.

  2. Complete required forms in HALO. 

    • Financial Responsibility

    • Federal Financial Aid Payment Authorization

    • Refund Card Agreement

    • Meal Plan Selection (if eligible)

  3. Complete Communication Authorization to allow us to discuss information with your parents. 

  4. Meet your deadlines!

    • The drop/add deadline is always shown on the academic calendar. This is generally the date charges are set. 

    • Payment due dates are shown on your official billing statement in Halo.

  5. Ask us for assistance when needed.

Location: Curtis Administration Building, 2nd Floor
Hours: Monday-Thursday 8am -5pm
Friday: 8am-1:30pm