- Attendance Policy: Students are expected to communicate with the professor frequently. In the Online Program, students are required to contact their instructors once a week. That mode of contact is determined by the instructor. It could be through an email, assignment(s), discussion, etc. If after two weeks a student fails to have any activity in a course, the student may be assigned a grade of F at the end of the course. A student who withdraws from a course before 60% of the course is completed will lose financial aid funds for that class.
- Withdrawal Policy: A student who wishes to drop a class may do so during the first three days of class (add/drop date) and no grade will be assigned. From the fourth day through the Friday after midterms (by 5:00pm EST of the 4th week of classes for Online Program and Activity courses), the student may withdraw with a grade of “W” (withdraw) which will have no impact on the student’s grade point average (GPA). After this point, through the last day of classes, a student may withdraw from a class and a grade of “WP” (withdraw passing) or “WF” (withdraw failing) should be assigned unless a final grade has been assigned. The student bears full responsibility for all courses on his or her registration schedule. Failure to file a withdrawal form with the Registrar and/or failure to complete a course may result in a grade of “F.” Students forced by illness or other hardship to drop a class after the deadline may petition for a grade of “WP” from the Provost. A student in the Day Campus Program who wishes to drop or withdraw from a class may obtain a Course Withdrawal Form from the Registrar’s Office and take it to the instructor and the advisor for approval. In the Online Program, a student wishing to drop or withdraw (after the drop/add period) from a course must contact the professor and submit a withdrawal form (forms found in the Halo) to the Registrar’s office. Failure to do so will result in a grade of F. Day students may not withdraw from an online course in terms 1, 2, 5, or 6 after the Day Campus Program drop/add period without the written approval of the appropriate College Dean or the Provost.
- Academic Integrity: Honesty in personal and academic matters is a cornerstone of life at Limestone University. Students are expected to achieve on their own merits and abilities, to exercise integrity in all their affairs, and to refrain absolutely from lying, cheating, and stealing. Academic misconduct, including cheating and plagiarism, is defined in Limestone University’s Academic Policy in The Student Handbook (online and linked to The Academic Catalog). There are serious consequences for academic misconduct as defined in this policy, which apply in this course. There is an excellent tutorial on avoiding plagiarism on the Limestone University Library website. It is located here: https://libguides.limestone.edu/c.php?g=545011&p=3736407
- Learning and Accessibility: The Learning and Accessibility Office is committed to assisting all students with removing barriers that could impede their personal development and academic success. Through services such as those provided by Accessible Education, the Learning Enrichment and Achievement Program (LEAP), SaintsFirst, and International Student Support, Learning and Accessibility team members strive to empower and position students for an optimal collegiate experience. Students in need of assistance as a result of a disability (physical, mental, or learning) or being an international or first generation, or any other circumstance that may impact their academic performance are encouraged to contact the Learning and Accessibility Office early in the semester to discuss their needs. Accessible education services, such as extra time on tests, distraction-free testing, and others, will be considered via an interactive process. Any pertinent documentation should be sent to the Learning and Accessibility Office at accessibility@limestone.edu or Limestone University, 1115 College Drive, Gaffney, SC 29340. The Learning and Accessibility Office is located in Fort D Suite 201 and can be reached via telephone at (864) 488-4394.
- Online Content Disclaimer: This is to notify you that the material you may be accessing in chat rooms, bulletin boards, or unofficial web pages is not officially sponsored by Limestone University. The United States Constitution rights of free speech apply to all members of our community regardless of the medium used. Limestone University disclaims all liability for data, information or opinions expressed in these forums. Please refer to our Netiquette statement at the end of this document.
- Disruptive Behavior Statement: Disruptive behavior is any behavior that interferes with the instructor’s ability to conduct class or the students’ ability to benefit from the learning environment. Students having emotional or mental disorders who may be considered disabled and who are protected under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 are expected to follow the same standards of conduct as any student. Faculty members are responsible for managing the classroom environment. Faculty should exercise their best judgment in setting standards of conduct for the courses and take a reasonable approach in responding to classroom disruptions.
- Digital Copyright Policy Statement: To effectively combat the unauthorized distribution of copyright material by users of the institution’s network, without unduly interfering with the educational and research use of the network. Limestone University’s policy concerning the unauthorized distribution of copyright material through use of our network is annually distributed to students, faculty and staff via email. File sharing restrictions, copyright guidelines, and computer use policies are also posted on our website at: https://www.limestone.edu/information-technology/p2pcompliance
- Limestone University Writing Center Online Statement: The Limestone University Writing Center Online provides live, one-on-one tutorial sessions designed to help students through the writing process for any assignments in any class. Writing is hard. Getting help is easy. Visit the Writing Center Online at: http://www.limestone.edu/academic-resources/online-writing-lab
- Academic Support: The Academic Support Office provides FREE tutoring to ALL Limestone students for many subjects. Students can schedule in-person or online peer tutoring sessions with the Academic Success Center and the Writing Center through the Upswing platform. For more information, visit the Academic Support webpage.
- Title IX Statement: Limestone University is committed to providing an educational and work environment, including programs and activities, free from discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. To ensure compliance with federal and state civil rights laws and regulations, and to affirm its commitment to promoting the goals of fairness and equity in all aspects of the educational program or activity, the University has developed internal policies and procedures that provide a prompt, fair, and impartial process for those involved in an allegation of discrimination or harassment on the basis of protected class status, and for allegations of retaliation. https://www.limestone.edu/title9
Netiquette Statement: In order for Limestone University to maintain a positive online environment for all classes utilizing an online component, the students are expected to follow netiquette guidelines summarized below. Students should:
- Show respect for the instructor and for other students in the class
- Respect the privacy of the instructor and other students
- Express differences of opinion in a polite and rational way
- Maintain an environment of constructive criticism when commenting on the work of other students
- Avoid bringing up irrelevant topics when involved in group discussions or other collaborative activities
- Students should not:
- Show disrespect for the instructor or for other students in the class
- Send messages or comments that are threatening, harassing, or offensive
- Use inappropriate or offensive language
- Convey a hostile or confrontational tone when communicating or working collaboratively with other students