The Rocovich Scholars program provides a mechanism by which qualified Saints seeking admission to medical school can be accepted at VCOM after two years of full-time study at Limestone University.
Candidates that are selected for early admission are notified of their status by Spring of Junior year.
Saints that are accepted to VCOM must maintain their qualifications until completion of their four-year degree at Limestone and must agree to apply to VCOM.
Saints that are accepted to VCOM under the Rocovich Scholars program must confirm or reject their acceptance within two weeks. A student accepted may not apply to other medical schools during the cycle in question and must formally apply to VCOM through the American Association of Colleges of Osteopathic Medicine Application Service (AACOMAS).
In this partnership, VCOM makes all final decisions regarding whether to offer early admission and may do so for up to 5 students per year. Limestone University administers the program on our campus through the Director of Premedical Studies and makes recommendations to VCOM.
Guaranteed Interview Program Description
Should you not qualify for the program as described, or not be selected/recommended as a Rocovich Scholar, Limestone University students that meet the majority of the requirements and that can provide evidence of additional academic performance may be eligible for the Guaranteed Interview program with VCOM. Limestone University students formally recommended to VCOM under this provision are guaranteed an interview for admission.
Rocovich Scholar Eligibility Requirements
- Must be a U.S. Citizen or Permanent Resident
- You must be one of the following"
- a permanent resident of a rural area or medically underserved area (many students may qualify this way, including local and in-state students)
- from a disadvantaged socioeconomic status background
- a member of an underrepresented minority group
- You must have a combined SAT score of 1100 or an ACT score of 24. Students that did not take either exam will not be eligible for the MCAT waiver (see below) and would have to be considered as exceptions.
- You must earn 45 credits at Limestone University (non-transfer hours) and must have completed your second semester of your Sophomore year (2nd year) at Limestone.
- You must graduate from Limestone University in 4 years, unless an alternate timeline is negotiated for that student between Limestone and VCOM.
- You must have attained a minimum overall GPA of 3.5 and a laboratory science course GPA of 3.5. This GPA threshold must be maintained even if admission is extended.
- You must complete the following courses by the end of the Fall semester of your third year (Junior year) at Limestone with a B or better:
- Biological Sciences- 6-8 hours (Fulfilled by Bio 101/101LA and Bio 102/102LA)
- General Chemistry- 6-8 hours (Fulfilled by Che 110/110LA and Che 111/111LA)
- Organic Chemistry- 3-4 hours (Fulfilled by Che 303/303LA)
- Physics- 3-4 hours (Fulfilled by either Phy 201/201LA or Phy 301/301LA)
- Biomedical Science course at 300 level or above- 3 hours (choose from the following or like: anatomy, bioinformatics, cell biology, physiology, immunology, microbiology, genetics, or virology)
- You must complete these remaining courses with a B or better by graduation:
- Organic Chemistry- 3-4 additional hours (Fulfilled by Che 304/304LA)
- Physics- 3-4 additional hours (Fulfilled by either Phy 202/202LA or Phy 302/302LA)
- Biochemistry- 3-4 hours (Fulfilled by Bio 315)
- Biomedical Science course at 300 level or above- 3 additional hours (choose from the following or like: anatomy, bioinformatics, cell biology, physiology, immunology, microbiology, genetics, or virology)
- English- 6 hours
NOTE: Pass/Fail grades are not accepted for any of the courses above. Courses must be major’s level. If a student believes that courses taken at other institutions might satisfy these requirements, they may request an exemption. AP (advanced placement) credit does not count toward the GPA minimums.
- You must take the MCAT prior to December 31st of your senior year and score 493 or higher. However, if your overall GPA and laboratory science GPA is above 3.7, the MCAT will be waived from consideration.
- You must obtain a minimum of 40 hours of health care experience (shadowing, job experience, etc.) and a minimum of 40 hours of community service experience by the fall of your Junior year.
- You must obtain a minimum of 80 hours of health care experience and a minimum of 80 hours of community service experience by the time of graduation from Limestone University.
- You must maintain a record of conduct at Limestone free of violations. Students must report all violations to the Director of Premedical Studies.
- You must have no criminal record while a student at Limestone. Students must report all arrests or criminal charges before and during the application process. VCOM will determine whether any such arrests or criminal charges disqualify the student from the program.
- You must meet all technical requirements in the VCOM College Catalog and Student Handbook.
- You must meet all general requirements for admission as outlined by VCOM. This includes submitting a letter of recommendation from a Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (may only consider alternatives following consultation with VCOM). This also includes submitting a letter of recommendation from the Limestone Director of Premedical Studies in consultation with the advisory committee.
Rocovich Scholars Application
To apply for the Rocovich Scholars program, interested Saints must submit an application packet to the Director of Premedical Studies by the deadline noted for that Fall.
This application packet will collect information regarding:
- Demographics
- Employment experience
- Academic record
- Health care experiences
- Community service experiences
- Research experiences
- Leadership experiences
- Honors and awards
It will also include:
- A personal statement not to exceed 1 page
- Two letters of recommendation (from Limestone University faculty or health care/community service contacts; one of which must be from Limestone University)
- Your transcript from Limestone University
The Director of Premedical Studies will consult with the committee, using these materials, in order to make recommendations to VCOM.
Students may be required to interview with the Director and/or committee at Limestone in order to make this recommendation.
Students that are recommended will also be required to submit a Letter of Intent to VCOM by March 1st, the content of which will be discussed with you by the Director of Premedical Studies.
Students that are under consideration by VCOM will be interviewed by the VCOM Admissions Committee in April of their Junior year.
Approximation of Rocovich Scholars Timeline at Limestone University (during 3rd year)
- November 1st: Application packet due to Director of Premedical Studies at Limestone University
- November-February: Director of Premedical Studies and advisory committee will interview candidates
- December-February: Limestone University will recommend Rocovich Scholars to VCOM
- March 1st: Letter of Intent from student to VCOM due
Online Application coming soon.
Questions about the program and premedical studies or pre-health professional school preparation can be directed to: