As an accredited institution, Limestone University adheres to ethical standards and our stated policies in the delivery of our programs and services. Students are encouraged to become familiar with the University’s policies and procedures that can be found in the Gaslight Student Handbook and/or the current College Catalog. These publications outline the means by which students may request permitted exemptions from these policies and the ways in which administrative and academic decisions may be appealed.
Limestone University is a member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA) and works with states and other U.S. jurisdictions directly to ensure compliance with any authorization requirements. In the event that students believe they have been unfairly treated or have issues with the University that cannot be resolved by the methods outlined in the University’s publications, they have the right to contact our accrediting agencies and/or various state and other governmental agencies.

In the event that students believe they have been unfairly treated or have issues with the University that cannot be resolved by the methods outlined in the University’s publications, in-state and out-of-state students have the right to appeal to the South Carolina Commission of Higher Education.
South Carolina Commission on Higher Education
1122 Lady St., Suite 300
Columbia, SC 29201
(803) 737-2260
If you have any questions, please call the University’s Office of Academic Affairs (864) 489-7151 EXT. 8200.