The Writing Center is committed to helping students with writing assignments in any subject and for any class. Students can meet with Writing Center tutors for one-on-one, online sessions via Upswing. To make an appointment to meet with a writing tutor online, please click this link:
How to log in to Upswing
- Go to and use your Canvas username and password.
- Select Meet with a Tutor on the home page, or click Tutoring on the left-side panel.
- Type 'Online Writing Lab' in search bar.
- Once you've selected a tutor, you can start or schedule a session online.
- When your online session is about to start, select Go to Room in the Upcoming Sessions section.
No-Show Policy
The writing tutors take appointments seriously. If you schedule an appointment to work with a writing tutor, online or in person, please come to the appointment at your scheduled time.
If a student does not show up for a scheduled session, the tutor will do the following:
- 10 minutes after the appointment was supposed to start, the tutor will email/ message the student.
- The tutor will wait for 15 minutes; after 15 minutes, the tutor will leave/ log out.