Once classes begin, students will begin meeting with their Succuss Coach during various points of the semester. Students are encouraged to meet at least 3 times over the course of the semester but can meet as regularly as needed. Success Coaching is designed to assist you with life management and goal attainment. A meeting with a Success Coach is the best way for you to personalize your education and stay on track to graduation. It provides you with the opportunity to talk about your experience at Limestone, in and out of the classroom, and what specific resources you need to achieve you goals.

The best times to meet with your Success Coach are:

  • During the first few weeks of the semester to review your course load and devise strategies to attack your assignments.
  • Mid-semester after you have settled into classes and are aware of assignment dates. This may be a good time to plan for midterms or discuss mid-term grades.
  • At the end of the semester to sharpen your focus on your remaining work as well as review your schedule for the upcoming semester.

A student can schedule additional meetings with a Success Coach anytime, especially if you:

  • feel you are “not doing well”
  • have questions about a Limestone policy
  • feel undue academic or personal pressure
  • want to explore academic options of any kind
  • want to sharpen learning or life management skills

To book an appointment with your success coach, download the Navigate app on your phone.

Learn more about the Navigate app

Kelly Tillinghast
Vice President for Student Success
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