As we reflect on our rich history, we celebrate our achievements and the enduring legacy of our faculty, alumni, and students who have contributed to our success and shaped the future of commerce and economics. Below are major events in our 85+ year history:
Date | Event |
1939 | Limestone College began the Department of Commerce and Economics |
1939 | Associate Professor Manly Eakins - first Business (Commerce) Professor hired |
1970 | The Department of Commerce & Economics changes its name to the Department of Business & Economics |
1976 | The Department of Business began offering degree programs in the evening (Block Program) at locations throughout SC. |
1985 | Albert Cline, Professor of Business Accounting retires as the longest tenured business professor after 32 years of service |
1985 | The Division of Business is created - Dr. Paul LeFrancois takes over as the first Chair of the Division of Business |
1990 | The Business program added an internship program. Eric Meadows becomes the first business intern to the Cherokee County Chamber of Commerce. |
1990 | Our earliest record of awarding The Excellence in Business and Economics Award. Joyce Porter was the winner. |
1991 | The Associate Degree in Business Administration was added to the curriculum |
1991 | Added a Marketing Concentration to the business degree program |
1994 | SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise) program initiated |
1998 | Undergraduate degree program in Sport Management created |
2000 | Human Resource Development major created |
2002 | The Business Department began offering degree programs via the Internet. |
2005 | Our earliest record of awarding the Excellence in Sport Management Award. Michael English was the award winner. |
2007 | For the first time in program history, our SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise) program wins its region competition (beating both Virginia Tech and the University of Florida) and goes on to compete in the National Championship in Dallas, TX. Student Presenters at Nationals: Lindsay Lee, Katie Clayton, Shannon Nolan, Ericka Piersma, and Eugene (Bubba) West. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Michael Scharff |
2008 | For the second year in a row, our SIFE (Students in Free Enterprise) program wins its regional competition (beating the University of South Carolina, Anderson University, and Wingate University) and went on to compete in the SIFE National Championship in Chicago, IL. Student Presenters at Nationals: Katie Clayton, Emily Carter, Christina Woolgar, Lauren Robinson, Julian Espinoza, and Marty Ward. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Andy Cook |
2009 | Department of Business added a concentration in Finance |
2009 | Began a Human Resource Management Degree Program |
2010 | Health Care Administration Degree started in the Department of Business |
2011 | Limestone College is granted a level change by SACSOC to offer graduate programs (a Master of Business Administration). |
2012 | August - Limestone College began its first graduate program - an MBA. Dr. Michael Scharff is named the first Program Chair and Mr. Brandon Gibson is the first Director of the MBA Program |
2013 | The Gabe Stoeppler Outstanding Accounting Graduate Award is created. Shelby Webb is the first award winner. |
2014 | The Outstanding MBA Graduate Award is created. Michael English and Teresa Randolph are the first award winners. |
2014 | Our first MBA class graduates - Whitney Boyd becomes the first MBA Program Graduate |
2014 | The Business program gains candidacy status with ACBSP - Accreditation Council of Business Schools and Programs. Dr. Michael Scharff becomes the Division's ACBSP "Champion" |
2015 | A Business Advisory Council is established. |
2017 | Business Programs are accredited by ACBSP - Accreditation Council of Business Schools and Programs |
2018 | The MBA program added its first concentration - Health Care Administration |
2018 | Added an undergraduate Law Concentration to the Business Administration degree program |
2018 | The Vera Jones Mitchell Finance Lab opens in Montgomery Hall |
2018 | The Excellence in MBA Teaching Award is created. Dr. Michael Scharff is the first award winner. |
2019 | The Albert Cline Student Managed Investment Fund is created with Dr. Janet Bartholow as the first director. |
2019 | The College of Business is formed - Dr. Paul LeFrancois becomes the first Dean of the College |
2019 | The Health Care Administration program is moved from the College of Business to the College of Health Sciences |
2019 | Sport Management students win the case competition at the CSRI (College Sport Research Institution). Students presenting: Daniel Bland, Lelia Stokes, and Mallory Gardner. Faculty Advisor: Dr. Jaime Orejan |
2020 | With the start of the COVID pandemic, all evening program courses and residency requirements for the MBA program are discontinued and moved completely online. |
2023 | Dr. Scott Bellamy becomes the second Dean of the College of Business |
2023 | The Sport Management program changed its name to Sport Business |
2023 | The Excellence in Human Resource Management Award is created: Jason Jones is the first award winner. |
2023 | The MBA program added a third concentration in Sport Business |
2024 | Dr. Renee Dyer becomes the second Program Chair for the MBA program |
2024 | Dr. Tonya Adair and Dr. Renee Dyer become the College's ACBSP Co-Champions |
2024 | Dr. Michael Scharff becomes the third Dean of the College of Business |
2024 | Sport Business degree program attains candidacy status with COSMA (Commission on Sport Management Accreditation). |
2025 | CoB added an undergraduate concentration in International Business |