The Candelabra is Limestone University’s long-running, eclectic literary and visual arts magazine. By publishing the works of Limestone’s very own students and alumni, the Candelabra has brought diverse voices, experiences, and high-quality art to life for many decades. Behind the editing and publishing of the magazine is a dedicated group of Limestone students pursuing a variety of majors. Collaborating throughout the spring semester, students use their wide range of skills to propel the magazine into its next issue.
The Candelabra has been publishing creative writing and visual art for at least a century. We strive for a diverse journal representing all voices, including those that are often silenced or marginalized.
We welcome multiple and simultaneous submissions of prose up to 3,500 words; up to six poems per person; and high-quality, high-resolution images.
To learn how to sign up for the course that designs Candelabra, contact Erin Pushman.