The Pre-Medical Studies concentration prepares graduates for admission into professional-level health and medical programs with terminal degrees in medicine, dentistry, optometry, veterinary medicine, physician assistant, pharmacy, and physical therapy, among others.

The curriculum within this single four-year degree satisfies the common prerequisite courses for admission and gives students continuous exposure to the material that will serve as the foundation of graduate training in the medical field. Because of this, Biology is nationally a predominant major among those admitted to these programs.

Students completing this concentration are also well prepared for other careers in science and the larger world. Some of our graduates have entered the teaching profession, some work in the industry, and others have gone on to state or federal government positions in forestry, agriculture, or research.

Related Occupations

  • Medical Doctor/Physician (MD or DO)
  • Dentist (DDS or DMD)
  • Optometrist (OD)
  • Veterinarian (DVM)
  • Physician Assistant (PA)
  • Pharmacist (PharmD)
  • Biomedical Scientist (MS and/or PhD)
Therapist doctor with stethoscope explaining healthcare treatment discussing medical expertise

The relationship between Limestone University and the Edward Via College of Osteopathic Medicine presents an exciting, life-changing, and exclusive opportunity.

Fast Facts

  • We have four tenured or tenure-track faculty with diverse research backgrounds.
  • Our graduates are currently working as doctors, veterinarians, pharmacists, and PAs.
  • We offer courses with hands-on research experience.
  • All classes & labs are taught by our professors, not by TAs.

Explore Experiental Major Map

saints mapsUse this map to help plan and guide your experience at Limestone. Each student’s experience is unique so please keep in mind the activities outlined in this map are suggestions and can be tailored to you! Always consult with your advisors whenever possible for new opportunities and updates.

Requirement Notes
  1. Limestone's required Competency & General Education courses
  2. A total of 120 credit hours
  3. The required courses listed below, including associated laboratory corequisites (54 credit hours)
  4. Biology electives at the 300 level and above (12 credit hours) (CH 304 (Organic Chemistry II) may also be counted toward these credit hours.) 
  5. Physics electives: PH201 or 301; and PH202 or 302 (8 credit hours)
  6. Students must earn a grade of C or better in Biology core courses to proceed to higher-level courses for which they are a prerequisite. Biology core courses may not be taken as a coordinated study.
  7. Students who place into MA 205*** (or higher) or who otherwise waive MA 122 will not be required to complete MA 122.


* This major includes one AWE course (4 credit hours)

**Note: Students should consult their advisor and any graduate or professional program of interest when selecting their recommended elective courses.

***Note: MA205 - Calculus I can be substituted with MA319 - Intermediate Statistics

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