The Health Sciences - Pre-nursing major concentration is the required curriculum for those who wish to pursue nursing at Limestone. The first two years provide the pre-requisite courses for applying to the BSN clinical cohort. Students who are accepted into the BSN clinical cohort will have a major change to BSN and will complete the nursing curriculum. The Health Science Pre-nursing concentration specifically prepares students for post-baccalaureate entry into accelerated BSN programs or associate degree nursing programs. Graduates are also prepared for entry into professional schools or graduate health science programs.

Students are active in planning their course selections and potential internship opportunities related to their specific concentration within the Health Sciences program.

Related Occupations



Nurse caring for elderly person
Learn the many reasons why nurses love their careers and get on the path to a successful and rewarding life.

Fast Facts

  • Accelerated baccalaureate programs offer the quickest route to licensure as a registered nurse (RN) for adults who have already completed a bachelor’s or graduate degree in a non-nursing discipline. (AACN, 2019)
  • Fast-track baccalaureate programs take between 11 and 18 months to complete, including prerequisites. Fast-track master’s degree programs generally take about 3 years to complete. (AACN, 2019)
  • Public health careers are growing from 8-15% in such areas as: health education, community health, epidemiology & environmental specialist. Salaries range from $40,000 to over $100,000 (Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2018).
  • Average RN salary $73,300 (
  • Healthcare occupations are projected to add more jobs than any of the other occupational groups. According to the Bureau of Labor and Statistics, employment in healthcare occupations are projected to grow 15 percent from 2019 to 2029, much faster than the average for all occupations, adding about 2.4 million new jobs.

Explore Experiental Major Map

saints mapsUse this map to help plan and guide your experience at Limestone. Each student’s experience is unique so please keep in mind the activities outlined in this map are suggestions and can be tailored to you! Always consult with your advisors whenever possible for new opportunities and updates.

Requirement Notes
  1. Limestone's required Competency & General Education courses
  2. A total of 120 credit hours
  3. The required courses listed below ()
  4. Additional Biology course (BI101 or 110) (Note: some graduate programs may require BI102) (4 credit hours)
  5. A Chemistry course (CH105 or 110) with a lab (Note: some graduate programs may require 8 hours) (4 credit hours)

* This major includes one AWE course (3 credit hours)

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