Limestone Professor Dr. Anna Boddicker Gives Presentation At International Nursing Congress


Limestone University Assistant Professor of Athletic Training Dr. Anna Boddicker recently gave a presentation on Interprofessional Education in Immersive Clinical Experiences at the 33rd International Nursing Research Congress for Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing.

The event took place in Edinburgh, Scotland from July 21-25.

Dr. Amber Williams, Dr. Samantha Weber and Professor Vanessa Fulbright, from Limestone’s Department of Nursing and Health Sciences contributed to the abstract submission as well, but Boddicker was the only Limestone faculty member to attend the conference.

During the presentation, Boddicker drew from her doctoral research to promote the use of a more hands-on education in athletic training programs, with increased time spent in clinical settings and limited, if any, coursework. Immersive clinical experience has been the norm of medical and nursing programs for years but has only recently started to be integrated into athletic training programs.

As these immersive techniques shift into athletic training programs, Boddicker noted that there is also a need for inter-professional education where athletic training professionals and educators work alongside members of other professions for guidance.

"We're outside of the traditional sports setting,” she explained. “We see athletic trainers in primary care, orthopedic physician practices, industrial settings where they're actually out at factories, and in clinics with physical therapists.”

Boddicker noted that with the upcoming renovations to Limestone’s former A.J. Eastwood Library creating a new Nursing and Health Sciences facility, there will be even more opportunity for interprofessional education and collaboration between students with different majors.

“The more that we can get any profession that's in healthcare together, just to understand and talk to each other, by far the much better care we'll get,” she said. “We want to start that with the students.”

Sigma Theta Tau International is a nursing organization with more than 135,000 active members residing in over 100 countries worldwide. Its mission is “developing nurse leaders anywhere to improve healthcare everywhere.” Its annual congress is a gathering of nurse researchers, students, clinicians, and leaders focused on evidence-based research.

Boddicker joined Limestone’s Athletic Training faculty in 2021. She received her bachelor’s degree in athletic training from The Ohio State University in 2018 and went on to receive her doctorate in athletic training from Indiana State University in 2020. Boddicker lived in Chicago for a year post-graduation, where she worked in a chiropractic clinic as a practicing athletic trainer. Boddicker also focuses her research and teaching interests in clinical education and rehabilitative techniques within athletic training.

Accompanying Photo: Limestone University’s Dr. Anna Boddicker at the recent International Nursing Research Congress for Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing held in Scotland.