Limestone University Spring Choral Concert Set For Sunday, April 3

Spring Choral Concert 2022

The Limestone University & Community Chorus will present its “Love Is…” spring concert on Sunday, April 3, starting at 3 p.m. inside Fullerton Auditorium.

Admission to the concert is free and the public is invited to attend.

Choral selections on the program include a shaker tune “Love is Little,” an Irish hymn tune setting of “The King of Love My Shepherd Is,” and a gospel-style song, “Lead With Love.” A lush, modern arrangement of the Latin text “Ubi Caritas,” and arrangements of “Scarborough Fair” and “L O V E” are also on the program.

The concert will end with Limestone's alma mater and the benediction arranged by Peter Lutkin, “The Lord Bless You and Keep You.”

The conductor is Dr. Gena E. Poovey, professor of choral/vocal music education. Dr. David B. Thompson will accompany the group. Various instrumental musicians will add to the delight of the accompaniments played by Thompson. Community members who sing with the group represent First Baptist, First Presbyterian Spartanburg, Grace Baptist, Grassy Pond Baptist, Limestone Presbyterian, and Incarnation Episcopal churches.

“Celebrating the return of face-to-face concerts without so much fear, we gather again and take a fresh look at how we would complete the statement “Love is…,” Poovey said. “With that theme in mind, the selections address various aspects of love, such as love that inspires kindness, love that resembles a shepherd as well as an almighty god, the playful love of youth and springtime, romantic love, and the strength and conviction of love. Once again, we hope there will something for everyone's tastes.”