Limestone’s Criminal Justice Club “Angel Tree” Project A Huge Success Once Again

Limestone University's third annual "Angel Tree” project wrapped up on Friday, Dec. 4, with the sponsoring Criminal Justice Club delivering two car-loads of presents to the Safe Homes-Rape Crisis Coalition.

Through the kindness and generosity of the Limestone campus community, 20 children who might not have received Christmas presents otherwise will receive countless gifts.

Angel Tree delivery
Goods to be delivered to 20 children

"Once again, the Limestone community has demonstrated its willingness to help others in need, as presents are still coming in despite the deadline having been met and all children sponsored already having received gifts," said Fred Lux, Program Coordinator for Criminal Justice and Criminal Justice Lecturer. "This is the third year this event has been held and the third year that the goal has been meet and exceeded. Merry Christmas and thank you, Saints, from the Limestone University Criminal Justice Club."

Limestone's Angel Tree was located on the first floor of the Curtis Administration Building, and angels were selected by the University's faculty and staff members.

Angel Tree decorated
Angel Tree fully decorated