Students From Crafts Course To Lead Tie-Dye Event At Limestone University On November 16


The Limestone University Art Program will host a campus-wide tie-dye event on Thursday, Nov. 16, at 1 p.m., in the Granberry Amphitheater.

The event will provide t-shirts and dye for the first 100 Limestone campus community members in attendance. Students from the Art Program’s Crafts course will assist everyone with creating their own t-shirt. Music during the event will be provided by Limestone’s own DJ Sunny.

Students in the Crafts course have been completing a range of hands-on projects from bookmaking, crochet, to lino-cut cards this semester. They focus on various historical and contemporary craft techniques while using accessible processes that can be retaught to a wide audience, which they will be utilizing for the event on November 16.

Professor of Art Carolyn Ford, who teaches Crafts as well as various other studio courses, sees this event as a chance to showcase the interactive collaborative nature of Limestone’s studio courses.

“We are always challenging our students to form a community both within our own program and within the larger University,” Ford said. “We think this is an event that could really bring students, staff, and faculty all together on campus.”

Ford added that the tie-dye event expanded from a class tutorial idea to a campus-wide event thanks to the ideas and funding support of the Limestone University Board of Trustees.