The Limestone College Presidential Search Committee met on August 7, 2017, at 11 a.m. to review the suggestions provided during recent open forum meetings with various constituents of the College.
The suggestions were solicited by the Search Committee as part of the Presidential Profile that is being created by AGB Search.
In addition, after each member had an opportunity to comment on the initial draft, the committee also reviewed a second draft of the Presidential Profile. In the near future, the committee will review another draft that will include the consensus items from the Open Forums.
Once the committee approves the final draft of the Profile text, the official document will be designed to include photos and graphics from the Public Relations department.
Once in final form, the Presidential Profile will be distributed to all campus constituencies and to the national higher education community. An advertisement is expected to be placed in “The Chronicle of Higher Education” publication on August 18, 2017.
The committee expressed its appreciation to all of those who participated in the Open Forums process and shared their views.
The Presidential Profile, which will be distributed nationally to display the strengths and status of the College, will also become a statement of Limestone’s aspirations for its new leader.
Thank you,
David Riggins, Chair
Limestone College Presidential Search Committee