Sport Management in front of Curtis Building
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)
The Sport Business degree combines the institution of sport to the realm of business and prepares students to plan, manage and sustain effective sport business experiences in private, public and commercial settings.

Female manager stands addressing colleagues in meeting room
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

By providing a fundamental understanding of the management competencies needed to thrive in today’s business world, the Bachelor's in Business Administration Management curriculum prepares students to enter the business world, and to ready them for career advancement through executive development programs and/or graduate studies in professional fields such as Business Administration, Law, and P

Female manager stands addressing colleagues in meeting room
Bachelor of Science (B.S.)

The Bachelor’s in Business Administration with a concentration in Human Resource Management opens up opportunities for business students to widen career choices as well as develop necessary competencies in getting work done effectively through human resources – the employees.

Code & Name

MG215 - Business Communications

Course Description

A study of communication theory and its practical applications in the business world. The course provides practice in the various communication methods used in a business environment. Writing topics covered include style, memos, letters, e-mail, resumes, and research.

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MG252 - Business Capstone - AA

Course Description

A review and assessment of basic areas of business, including accounting, communications, economics, management, and marketing.  This class will prepare Associate of Arts - Business Administration students to complete the peregrine exam.  

MG215 AC207 EC203 MG300 MK300
Code & Name

MG290 - Ethical Issues in the Workplace

Course Description

The primary objectives are to expose the student to many of the significant interrelationships, issues, philosophies, and points of view which affect the relationship between business and society.

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MG300 - Principles of Management

Course Description

This course examines the functions of management (planning, directing, controlling, organizing, staffing, communicating, and decision-making) from a balanced perspective.

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MG301 - Event and Facility Management

Course Description

This course provides the student with an examination of the functions of planning, management, evaluation, maintenance, operations, and situational analyses as they relate to facility management. The course will also provide a comprehensive knowledge of event planning and sports marketing for athletic contests, tournaments, and special events.

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MG318 - Small Business Management

Course Description

A study of the processes and procedures of establishing a small business. The course focuses on identifying entrepreneurial opportunities and developing the managerial skills necessary for the successful operation of small firms.

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MG323 - Organizational Behavior

Course Description

A study of the determinants of behavior at the individual, interpersonal, group, intergroup, and inter-organizational levels.

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MG326 - Principles of Project Management

Course Description

This course serves as an introduction to modern project management practices and techniques, examines current terminology, definitions, and conventions along with the different objectives, roles, and responsibilities of individual project team members. Course includes network modeling, defining activities and events, cost estimating and reporting, single and multiple resource allocation and leveling. Computerized project management software will be used.

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MG346 - Sales Management

Course Description

An analysis of sales force management including the functions of the sales manager, sales plan development, and the recruitment, selection, hiring and training of sales personnel.

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MG350 - Leadership in Organizations

Course Description

An examination of the significant research and theory that provides the conceptual framework to both view and practice leadership as a collective enterprise. The course is designed to empower emerging leaders through learner-designated Leadership Development Action Plans (LDAP), which incorporate new organizational paradigms, transactional and transformational leadership strategies, and resource analysis and development.

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MG360 - Labor Relations Managment

Course Description

This course overviews the development and function of labor relations. The course examines the historical importance of unions in economic and social problems and the management of the workforce today.

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MG401 - Performance Management

Course Description

Performance management begins with strategic planning of organizational objectives and systems and extends to the development of closed-loop process from goal setting to feedback. This course also examines the influence of human performance elements (such as quality of work-life, rewards and recognition, job design, team building, and participative management) on organizational performance.

Code & Name

MG406 - Supply Chain Management

Course Description

A detailed study of the concepts, processes, and strategies used in the development and management of global supply chains. Supply-chain management is a systems approach to managing the entire flow of information, materials, and services from raw material suppliers through factories and warehouses to the final end-customer. A major objective of this course is to analyze the supply chain and minimize the associated costs throughout the process.

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MG411 - Moral Leadership

Course Description

The courses examines leadership, moral challenges and issues using novels, plays, short stories, movies, and historical accounts. The course provides an opportunity for students to understand how morally charged situations develop and how they are produced through the choices we make. The course will help students develop skills in moral discernment and judgment and to further develop the student's definition of moral leadership.

Code & Name

MG420 - World Trade and International Business

Course Description

This course is an overview of the field of study that focuses on business activities that cross national boundaries.  It includes international trade, foreign investment, international banking, cross-cultural communication, international transfer of technology, and global business strategies.

MG300 EC204
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MG442 - Corporate Entrepreneurship Strategies

Course Description

The corporate entrepreneurship course explores industry and firm-based strategies for the creation of new technologies, products, and processes within an existing business.  Students examine the theories of competition and industry which promote opportunities and innovation.

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MG452 - Business Policy

Course Description

The study of the functions and responsibilities of general management and the problems which affect the character and success of the total enterprise.

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MG490 - Management Internship

Course Description

The student is placed in a private or public enterprise to gain work-related experience. The student will have a faculty sponsor as well as a supervisor at the enterprise to direct and supervise the student's activities.A student is expected to complete 125 hours or 250 hours for 3 semester hours or 6 semester hours of credit, respectively. A student may take up to 6 semester hours of an internship (in the same field or different field). Note: A student may not take more than 6 semester credit hours of internships.

3 or 6
Code & Name

MG520 - Organizational Theory and Behavior

Course Description

Organizational Theory and Behavior familiarizes students with the principles of human behavior that effective managers utilize when managing individuals and groups within the organization. Students will investigate and practice theories relating to individual differences in abilities and attitudes, attribution, motivation, conflict resolution, organizational culture as well as organizational structure and design. Students will be required to become familiar with relevant research in the field. A solid grounding in Organizational Theory & Behavior will help today’s business leaders be successful.

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MG540 - Organizational Ethics

Course Description

This course presents the theory and practical application of ethics in organizations along with the numerous issues and nuances surrounding ethical dilemmas. Through current case studies, students will demonstrate knowledge of an organization’s stakeholders and the various ethical conflicts inherent in the global marketplace.

Code & Name

MG602 - Group Dynamics

Course Description

This course focuses on the behavior of individuals within formal and informal group structures. Case studies, interactive exercises, and simulations are used to explore the stages of group development, decision-making techniques, group problems and problem solving, team roles, and impact of personalities in group environments. Students will demonstrate and awareness of team design, various communication methods, and strategies for handling conflict in a business environment.

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MG607 - Managing Performance

Course Description

This course presents the theory, strategies, and practical application of ongoing issues in the management of employee performance including developing employee potential, coaching, supporting professional growth and career development in organizations.  Prerequisite:  BA520

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MG620 - Supply Chain Management

Course Description

This course focuses on the strategies used in the development and management of national and global supply chains. Through this course, students will be able to take a systems approach and analyze the supply chain system to maximize efficiencies and limit costs.

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MG650 - Leadership and Change

Course Description

This course concentrates on a critical analysis of the various leadership theories between leaders and followers. Using case studies, students will demonstrate an understanding of leaders and leadership as well as creating a vision, developing and implementing strategies for implementing that vision, and employee empowerment and motivation.

Code & Name

MG670 - Strategic Management

Course Description

As the capstone course, this course offers a convergence of previous learning in the program. Through this course, students will demonstrate through various case studies a command of previous coursework through application of multifunctional approaches to the issues in the global economy.
