Code & Name

SB100 - Introduction to Sport Business

Course Description

The purpose of this course is to provide students with an in-depth introduction to the fundamentals of sport business and to explore the history, future trends, and career opportunities for sport business personnel within various segments of the sport industry.

Code & Name

SB201 - Sport Communication

Course Description

To offer a basic understanding of the formalized working relationships between mass media and sport organizations, and to provide a framework for understanding the connection between the informational and commercial sides of sport information management. A secondary objective is to develop critical thinking skills about the role and significance of sport in society and culture.

Code & Name

SB202 - Sport Governance and Policy

Course Description

This course introduces the student to the power and politics of sport organizations.  The student will learn the basis of managerial activities necessary for governance and policy development in national and international sport organizations, as well as the structure and functions of the various organizations that manage sports around the world.

Code & Name

SB300 - Sport Law

Course Description

This course provides students with the requisite knowledge of legal issues specific to the sport industry. The students will become familiar with the basics of tort, constitutional, and business law, including risk and disaster management - which covers terrorism, storms, and other unforeseen legal events. Additional areas of study include negligence, liability, contract law, labor law, anti-trust legislation, intellectual property, and agency.

Code & Name

SB301 - Event and Facility Management

Course Description

This course provides the student with an examination of the functions of planning, management, evaluation, maintenance, operations, and situational analyses as they relate to facility management. The course will also provide a comprehensive knowledge of event planning and sports marketing for athletic contests, tournaments, and special events.

Code & Name

SB302 - Sport Marketing

Course Description

This course is designed to introduce the methods and materials available for the promotion of sport businesses, athletic and recreational organizations. Attention is focused on the importance of public attitudes, opinions, psychographics, and demographics. Special emphasis is placed on promotion, public relations, marketing, and fund-raising.

Code & Name

SB306 - Sport Finance and Economics

Course Description

This course will provide students with knowledge of how to develop an organizational budget and strategies for generating income and allocating resources. Students will also understand how to use financial indicators in developing strategic plans for the advancement of sport businesses, recreation, and athletic programs, as well as the contribution of the sport industry to the US and the global economy.

Code & Name

SB400 - Sport Management and Organization

Course Description

Students gain an in-depth understanding of the structure and management of sport organizations. Establishing performance goals for employees and methods utilized to evaluate employee performance are a primary focus of the course. Another fundamental emphasis within the course is aimed toward measuring individual, unit & organizational effectiveness and efficiency.

Code & Name

SB402 - Sport Business Practicum

Course Description

This course provides students with a part-time, 150+ hour experiential opportunity with an approved local sport-related organization. Students show evidence of knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies by working through a departmental advisor and an on-site agency mentor. The practicum is a field experience that allows a student to observe and document how working professionals perform their job responsibilities. The practicum can be taken for 3 or a maximum of 6 credits. 

3 or 6
Code & Name

SB452 - Sport Business Senior Seminar

Course Description

This course provides an opportunity for students to think critically and eclectically review, in seminar format, their experiences in Limestone’s Sport Management course work and contemporary relevant issues. Students will review and extensively discuss and criticize current issues from existing periodical and research literature.

Code & Name

SB490 - Sport Business Internship

Course Description

This course provides students with a full-time, 400+ hour experiential opportunity with an approved sport-related organization. Students show evidence of knowledge, skills, abilities, and competencies by working through a departmental advisor and an on-site agency mentor. The internship is a field experience that allows the student to be a working full-time member of a sport organization by doing and performing any assigned duties of a typical employee at the organization. The internship can be taken for 6 or a maximum of 12 credits. 

6 or 12
Code & Name

SB580 - Foundations in Sport Business

Course Description

This course is designed to introduce students with the foundation they need to prepare for a variety of sport business careers, and to provide an overview of the sport business industry including fundamental knowledge and skill sets of the sport manager, as well as to provide information on sport industry segments for potential employment and career opportunities.

MG520 MK530
Code & Name

SB620 - Sport Business Analytics

Course Description

This course is designed to introduce systematic analytics strategies that can result in a sustainable competitive advantage within the sport business industry.  This course provides practical strategies to collect data and then convert that data into meaningful, value-added information and actionable insights.  Its primary objective is to help sport business organizations utilize data-driven decision-making to generate optimal revenue from such areas as ticket sales and corporate partnerships.

SB580 MA550
Code & Name

SB650 - Contemporary Issues in Sport Business

Course Description

Most people in industrialized countries are at least somewhat interested in sport, many are downright fanatical about it.  They attend games, read the sports magazines, and talk endlessly about the subject.  Although they often have knowledge of the most obscure facts about sport, they do not necessarily understand sport.  How is sport linked to other institutions of society?  What role does sport plan in transmitting values to youth?  Does sport perpetuate gender-role stereotypes?  How is sport linked to aggression?  Is it true, as many analysis argue, that sport is a microcosm of society?  These are some of the many issues that we will examine in this course.  

In general, this course is intended to enhance your abilities to think about, understand, analyze, and articulate relations between sport and society.  Sport is used to help you understand more about social patterns, issues, and problems in society.  The quality of your thinking and understanding will increase as you learn to think and express yourself more critically, systematically, and clearly.  You will be encouraged (expected) to ask and respond to critical questions.  You will be encouraged to take responsibility for your learning.

The purpose of this course is to examine current issues that are of concern to sport administrators.  The student will gain a basic understanding of these issues and develop appropriate strategies for effectively dealing with these issues/problems.  This course will concentrate on areas of concern in interscholastic, intercollegiate and professional sports. 

SB580 FI600