In this Associate of Science program, students take core courses in Microcomputer Applications, Basic Concepts of the Internet and World Wide Web, Operating Systems and Network Fundamentals, various Programming courses, amongst others. These core classes allow students to build a strong foundation of education in their field.  Related Occupations Job opportunities include entry-level computer jobs such as database administrator. Many students choose to continue their education in this field by earning a bachelor’s degree. A Computer Science major with several possible concentrations, three minors, and three associate degrees are available within the Department of Computer Science and Information Technology.

Fast Facts

  • Computer science careers are expected to grow substantially in the upcoming years.
  • Computer science-related career salaries are more than twice the national average.
  • Computer science jobs are in multiple industries.

Explore Experiental Major Map

saints mapsUse this map to help plan and guide your experience at Limestone. Each student’s experience is unique so please keep in mind the activities outlined in this map are suggestions and can be tailored to you! Always consult with your advisors whenever possible for new opportunities and updates.

Requirement Notes
  1. Limestone's required Competency & General Education courses
  2. A total of 62 credit hours
  3. The required courses listed below (15 credit hours)

* This major includes one AWE course (3 credit hours)

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